Body Recomposition Workout Plan for Females

We help you start a workout plan, show you how to implement it, and track your progress.

What is body recomposition?

Body recomposition is the simultaneous loss of body fat and gain of lean muscle mass, and it's something that anybody male or female can achieve. Though the process isn't easy, achieving your ideal body composition can be done with the right training program, proper dieting and supplementation, and perseverance.

Why should I want to do it?

Body recomposition is the process of increasing lean muscle mass while simultaneously decreasing body fat. Doing so not only makes you look sexier but also helps you live longer and healthier by improving your physical and mental fitness.

But there’s a catch: You can’t just swipe a magic wand and instantly become stronger, more toned, and less flabby overnight. It takes time, commitment, proper nutrition, and the right plan to reach your goals.

If you want to learn how to get shredded fast without sacrificing hard-earned muscles or burning out after two weeks at the gym, then this article might be for you!

Why Should I Want Body Recomposition?

Some people are happy with their bodies as they are now; they have no interest in changing anything about themselves. But if you’re one of those who want more out of life if you crave something better than what society deems acceptable then let me tell you why body recomposition is worth striving for in 2022

How long will it take?

How long it will take you to drop body fat and build muscle depends on several factors. These include:

  • How much fat do you have to lose

  • How much muscle do you want to gain

  • Your current fitness level and diet.

  • Whether or not you are using a scale and/or body fat calipers to track your progress.

What's the plan?

The plan will be based on the following key components:

  • You'll train five days a week. This will include lifting heavy weights four days a week, and you'll only need to spend one hour in the gym for each session. This is because you're going to use short rest periods, sticking with 45 seconds between sets. On top of this, you'll perform two or three cardio sessions each week (more on this later).

  • Lifting heavy weights is rarely enough on its own to maximize body recomposition, so we're also going to implement high-rep bodyweight training. You won't need any fancy equipment for this; instead, it will involve using your own bodyweight to exhaust muscle groups thoroughly and get that metabolic boost that comes with high-volume training.

You'll train five days a week.

The workout program of this plan is designed to address all your training needs, both from a fat loss and muscle-building perspective. Here's how it'll work:

  • You'll train five days a week.

  • Two of those sessions will be total-body workouts consisting of compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups at once.

  • The other three will be dedicated to specific body parts, allowing you to give more attention to certain muscles while also promoting recovery by offering a bit more time between workouts.

  • All the workouts are compatible with the principles of German Volume Training (GVT), which aims to increase muscle size and strength through high-repetition sets and short rest periods. This is an optional component, but we suggest that you try it as part of your overall training plan as it can help maximize your results.

You'll do only four gym sessions per week. Each workout is roughly an hour long.

The plan calls for you to exercise four days per week. We know that may sound like a lot, but if you want to change your body composition, this is what it takes. Don't worry you'll have plenty of time to get other things done!

Each workout lasts about an hour. For some people, this may still feel like a big-time commitment; however, if your goal is to make noticeable changes in the way your body looks and feels, it's important to be consistent and dedicated when it comes to your workouts. With a little time and effort now, you will reap the benefits of getting into great shape later on down the road!

You'll be busy, but we promise you're going to enjoy yourself so much that you won't want to cut back on these workouts. In fact, we think in no time at all you'll start looking forward to them. Once you begin reaping the benefits of working out regularly shedding fat more quickly, gaining more muscle mass in less time we guarantee that one day soon not only will you say "Wow" when looking in the mirror at yourself in awe at how good your body looks, but also "I'm never going back!"

You'll do two to three cardio sessions a week.

Next to weight training, cardio is the second most important part of any good body recomposition workout plan. As with the weights, don't worry about doing too much cardio even if you think you're doing a lot! For many people, a single half-hour session will be enough. You'll do two or three cardio workouts per week, depending on how you want to structure your schedule.

You can perform cardio at any time during the day or on any day of the week that works best for your schedule, it doesn't have to be on rest days or non-lifting days (although it can be!). The only exception is right after a heavy lifting session involving large amounts of energy expenditure; in this case, we recommend waiting at least an hour before performing a high-intensity form of cardio.

Cardio is important because it burns calories, which supports fat loss and muscle growth. Even though resistance training increases metabolism in the short term, it's more efficient than cardio alone when it comes to fat burning. Your muscles will retain more size as well when working out both weight training and cardiovascular exercise.

High-Rep Bodyweight Training

  • Get a workout plan. A bodyweight circuit workout is the type of routine that will help you get in shape and have fun at the same time. When you choose to do your weight-training workouts, be sure to find a good workout plan to follow so that you can maintain discipline and reach your goals.

  • Partner with a trainer. Many people fall into the trap of trying to train on their own when they first start working out. But working out alone can be tough because it's hard to gauge progress without someone else there to help you see how much you're really getting done. If you don't want an outsider judging your progress, then find a personal trainer who has experience working with people of all fitness levels so that they can give you tips and show you how your workout should look as well as assess whether or not it's actually working for you.

  • Keep track of your progress. It's important not only to know if what exercise regime is helping you achieve your goals but also to know how much effort is being put into doing the exercises properly each time before moving on to another set so keep track by writing down everything from when and where each exercise was performed in addition to the number of reps completed for each exercise, which can then be used as feedback for future workouts posted on social media pages like Facebook or Twitter under hashtag #exercise (for example #FromBodyweightCircuitsOnly)

You're going to lose fat and build muscle at the same time.

You're not just going to get big and bulky overnight. In fact, it takes a combination of consistency and patience. The body is a machine with a set of mechanisms that all work together in some kind of sensible if somewhat mysterious way. To acquire muscle, you have to build the muscles that you want to build, with the right ratio of calories consumed and energy expended. For women specifically, building muscle requires extra care and attention because there are far too many more factors at play than for men; eating enough calories while being consistent enough to stick with your routine is key in building muscle the right way on women's bodies. Remember: You can't skip steps or make mistakes in this process or you'll derail everything else along the way!

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