How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Diet at Home

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Diet at Home

Lose Weight Without Exercise at Home is no easy feat. It is a journey that is filled with temptations and rewards. On the way, you will be tempted to backtrack, to fall into what is comfortable. You will experience the rest of your family enjoying treats you once loved but are now forbidden to consume. You will also reward yourself once a month, especially after attaining an important goal on your weight loss journey. 

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Diet at Home

Healthy diet explained: -

• Try to have plenty of starchy foods such as rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, breakfast cereals, yams, and sweet potatoes. Always try to go for the wholemeal variety in these foods where possible

• Aim to have five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables daily

• Use a moderate amount of dairy products and look for low-fat varieties

• Moderate amount of meat, fish, or alternatives such as eggs, beans, peas, and lentils - look for lower-fat versions where possible

• The occasional treat (foods that are higher in fat, salt, and/or added sugar should only be eaten in moderation)

• Little salt - always read the label

Home Workouts  You Can Do 

Healthy Weight

Getting fitter and living a healthier life is not impossible if you engage in healthy eating and physical activity. By doing so, you can reduce your chances of developing various diseases and can also help you achieve your desired healthy weight.

Checking your body mass index

You can sensibly bring your weight down by being healthy, eating the right things, and exercising appropriately.

To check your BMI, simply take your weight (in kilograms,) and divide it by your height

Notably, under 20 on your BMI means you are underweight, whereas over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.

Healthy diet

Low-fat and low-calorie foods include fruit and vegetables. Eating more fruit and vegetables, instead of high-fat food and sugars, will significantly help you reach your desired healthy weight.

Read More - Home Workouts You Can Do


The only way to make exercise part of your life is to build this into your everyday life.

Many people go for a brisk walk, gentle jog, or try an exercise class. Everyone is different, so you must choose something that you find enjoyable.

As a fully-fledged adult, you should try to get your heart rate up at least four to five times a week.

5 Top Tips

1. Keep an accurate food diary

2. Set healthy and manageable goals

3 . Ensure you make healthy choices within your routine

4 . Be proud of your progress

5. Make a sorority commitment toward lifelong changes

1. Clean your kitchen of junk food 

Yes, the first step to fat loss is clearing your kitchen of junk food and sugary soft drinks/meals. Doing this means you have to summon all your courage: Clear your kitchen of all junk food, processed food, unhealthy snacks, and sugary soft drinks. You need to know that to make the changes stick, do it dramatically so you don’t slip and return to your old habits. The first thing you need to do is educate yourself.

Clean your kitchen of junk food

Healthy foods chosen by you should replace the junk food you were used to without making you slip. With a large trash bag in hand, open your pantry and drop boxes and other packages that host unhealthy foods. Have several trash bags where one bag will be used to settle in the perishables while the other will be used to store non-perishables. Once you are done with the pantry, open your kitchen cabinets and finish with the refrigerator. Make sure you don’t hide a few snack bars or candy while no one will know that you are cheating, all you will end up doing is compromising your fat loss journey.

2. Healthy foods

Now you've thrown away the candy, cookies, sugar-laden fruit juices, soft drinks, and chips, it’s time to head out to the store. When you step into the store, close your eyes partially – just joking. Avoid the aisles close to the entrance and exit points. They are placed there to hoodwink you into purchasing junk food composed of candy and other unhealthy snacks. Head out to the sides of the store where the refrigerated section is located. This is where you have to employ more wit than brawn.

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Diet at Home
Take your time to read the nutritional information printed on the pack. When it comes to nutritional facts, check the serving size. How much protein, vitamins, healthy carbs, and minerals will you be consuming for every meal? Remember the total calories per serving. You need to know about the serving size and the total number of calories you will be consuming. 
When consulting the nutritional fact sheet, select healthy foods that list dietary fiber, protein, and vitamins at the top of the list.
Foods that contain dietary fiber and are available in the refrigerated section of the store include fruits like apples and vegetables like spinach and kale. Other healthy foods to shop for include nuts, plain yogurt, lean beef, and chicken breast (skinless). The dietary fiber will help in heightening your metabolic rate and this will lead to fat burning. This is because your body will use stored fat as an energy source leading to fat loss and decreased weight.

3. Increase your protein intake 

Protein is an important nutrient not only when it comes to bodybuilding but also fat loss. Protein intake, especially during breakfast, has been found to help with fat burning, leading to weight loss.
This area helps to process information fed to it from different parts of the body. This allows the brain to determine when and how much one should consume.
One thing you need to know is that a higher protein intake helps to increase the levels of satiety hormones. These hormones include GLP-1, cholecystokinin, and the peptide YY. They help to reduce the hunger hormone, ghrelin. One way of reducing the hunger hormone is by replacing carbs with protein.
This in turn helps to promote the satiety hormones. Thanks to this, your body experiences a major reduction in hunger preventing you from overeating.
How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Diet at Home
Due to the automatic reduction in calorie intake, the body turns to stored fat as an energy source leading to weight loss. 
Protein helps in fat-burning through the thermogenesis process. According to nutritionists, protein has a much higher thermic effect (between 20 to 30%), especially when compared to carbs which have between 5 to 10%, and fat between 0 to 3%.


This is how fat loss occurs in the body. But here is the kicker: Protein-rich foods are readily available in the market and a store close to you Foods rich in protein that you should shop for include whole eggs, lean beef (especially select and prime choices), and chicken breast (skinless).

4. A good Nights’ Sleep

Did you know that a good night's sleep aids with fat loss? When you are short on sleep, your weight will be affected negatively. This is because it’s easier to consume junk food, coffee, and lattes to get moving.
Poor sleeping patterns result in one waking up feeling tired which ends up heightening stress levels. To keep awake, it is common for people to resort to eating junk food, overeating, and consuming caffeine-rich drinks.
Today, the majority of people do not get enough sleep regularly. This can be attributed to the hectic life both at home and at work. It can also be pinpointed towards hectic working hours and high noise levels as a result of traffic and nightclubs. Experts agree that getting a good night's sleep is important for one’s well-being and weight loss efforts.
How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Diet at Home
The reason why people end up over-eating or consuming foods rich in sugar, fat, and other unhealthy ingredients is that when you lack a good night's sleep, your brain is unable to make good decisions.
 Due to poor sleeping patterns, the brain’s frontal lobe which is the area of decision-making and impulse control is dulled. This results in the brain reward center being revved up resulting in you looking for something that feels good for example junk food, a large latte, and sugary soft drinks. This leads to fat gain, thus increasing your weight.
This will help to shuttle glucose from your blood into the cells. It will prevent fat gain. Instead, your body will burn stored fat into an energy source to power different body functions.

It is important, to begin with, a bang. Make a habit of getting up, getting to the gym, and WORKING HARD! Plan your workout days ahead of time, so you are accountable. If you leave it until the day, you will find a way or an excuse to get out of it.

Read More - Here are 6 heart-healthy food varieties that can help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

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