Top 10 Body Workout for Girls - Total Body Workout

Total-body workouts are a great way to get many benefits, including increased strength, endurance, and flexibility. They can be done at home with basic equipment, or in a gym with more specialized equipment.

When doing a total-body workout, it is important to focus on different parts of the body. For example, a workout that includes squats, pushups, and lunges would target the legs, chest, and abdominal muscles.

Total-body workouts can be done in a variety of ways, so it is important to find one that is comfortable for you. One popular way to do a total-body workout is to start with a.

1. Mountain Climber

The standard mountain climber is done from a plank position with the arms under the shoulders, the hips lifted and level and the legs extended behind you. Keeping your hands and feet planted on the ground at all times, bring one knee up toward your chest. Return that knee to its starting position, then repeat with your other knee. Continue alternating knees as quickly as possible for 30 seconds to a minute before taking a short break and repeating for as many rounds as you feel comfortable doing.

If you have dumbbells at home, you may want to try holding one in each hand while doing this workout or grabbing onto them with both hands while still in a plank position. If you do not have dumbbells available but can get outside or into an open space with enough room to hold a barbell comfortably on either end, try using that instead of purchasing extra equipment. Also, consider substituting resistance bands for weights if they are easy for you to access. If your goal is primarily muscle building rather than strength training, weights may not be entirely necessary even though they will likely quicken the results of this particular workout routine when used properly.

To specifically target your hamstrings (the muscles running along the back of each leg) and glutes (the muscles in and around each buttock), start in a seated position on the floor with legs extended straight out in front of you and toes pointed toward the ceiling. Flexing from your ankles only, raise both feet off of the floor so that if someone were looking down at you from above, it would appear as though both heels were touching each other although no part of your body besides your feet would actually be touching any surface other than whatever material is directly below where your body sits/lays on top of at any given time during this exercise's execution (i.e., carpet/hardwood flooring

2. Dumbbell Squat

Maintaining a constant tempo is crucial for properly performing these exercises. The movements in this workout are a series of squats that you would do in succession with one another. To keep your body in the proper position during the exercise, make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and that your arms are at your sides. Also, try to maintain a straight back throughout the entire series of squats; if you feel like there is too much strain on your lower back, go for one or two more repetitions as needed until it's under control.

3. Dumbbell Sumo Squat

By using dumbbells, you can easily perform a sumo squat. When you do this exercise correctly, it's a great way to strengthen your legs. Here's how:

  • Grab two dumbbells of appropriate weight and hold them at arm's length next to your sides with an overhand grip.

  • Stand with your feet more than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out about 45 degrees.

  • Push your hips back and lower your body as far as you can by pushing your knees outward. Keep your lower back naturally arched and head up. Pause, then push yourself back to the starting position using the same motion as the downward phase of the movement (i.e., push through your heels).

  • Do three sets of 10 reps each—and rest for 30 seconds between each set!

4. Push-ups

Push-ups are one of the best arm and chest exercises for women, but sometimes we don't have time to go to the gym. Fortunately, push-ups can be done anywhere and are a great way to stay in shape!

A few pointers before you get started:

  • Push-ups work your arms, chest, and shoulders. They help tone muscles that most other exercises do not reach. The more push-ups you do, the sooner your muscles will be toned!

  • There are many variations of push-ups: standard push-ups, wide stance push-ups (for more stability), narrow stance push-ups (to target different muscle groups), incline push-ups (using an elevated surface like a bench or wall), and decline/elevated surface/staircase push-ups. Try as many variations as possible so that all of your muscles get worked out evenly!

5. Plank leg raise

Plank leg raise, a simple exercise that can be done using just your body weight, is one of the best exercises to keep your entire body in shape. This exercise mainly targets your glutes and hamstrings. But also works on your core and quads.

How to do:

  • Get into a plank position with both hands and toes on the floor and backbone straight.

  • Lift one leg up straight back and hold for ten seconds, then lower it down slowly.

  • Repeat the same with another leg. Do this 10 times each leg.


This exercise helps you strengthen muscles in your thighs and butts, improve your posture, and increase stability in your legs by strengthening ankle strength through balance training. This exercise also trains balance & coordination improving performance in other sports activities. Makes you look more fit and sexy!

6. Glute bridge

If you're looking to build strength in your glutes, the glute bridge is a great way to do it. The exercise focuses on the butt and hamstrings and can be useful for those rehabilitating from a lower back injury or experiencing back pain.

To start, you will need to lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at your side with palms down.

Next, squeeze your glutes as hard as possible as you raise your hips off the floor. Hold this position for a second before carefully returning to the starting position.

7. Superman lifts

For this workout, you will need a fitness mat, an exercise ball, and a step or chair. If you don’t have an exercise ball, you can use the floor instead of the exercise ball for this workout. The main muscles that are used in this exercise are your glutes and hamstrings.

Start by lying on your stomach with your hands stretched out in front of you and palms on the ground. Your palms should be below your shoulders and your feet should be extended at the back with toes pointing downwards to the ground.

Now raise your upper body from the waist up along with both legs and stretch them upwards as much as possible while inhaling deeply at the same time (remember not to bend knees while stretching). While doing so, make sure that both of your arms are straightened fully towards the forwarding direction and your legs remain straight too in the backward direction towards maximum extension. Hold yourself in this position for a few seconds like a Superman flying in the air! This is known as the Superman lift position. Don’t forget to breathe normally while holding this position and exhale slowly before returning to the starting position again. Repeat these steps 10 – 15 times daily for better results within a few weeks or months depending upon how regularly you do it every day without skipping even a single day!

8. Stair stomper

The Stair Stomper is a great exercise for those looking to get their heart rate up and tone their upper body, especially the shoulders. Start with your feet on the floor, and hands placed on the edge of the bottom step of a staircase.

  • Bend your arms slightly and use them to lift your body up onto the stairs.

  • Then use your arms to push yourself back down to your starting position on the floor.

  • Repeat this exercise for a set number of reps, from 10-20 or more depending on how advanced you are in terms of strength and fitness level. Keep going until you can't complete another rep!

9. Burpees

Congrats! You’ve made it to the last workout of the series. In a moment, I’ll tell you about burpees—but first, let me give a little pep talk.

I know you can do this. Squat down and get your knees parallel to the floor as you drop down into a plank position. Bring your leg forward and push your body up with the momentum generated by your legs before jumping in the air with both feet. Good job! You just did one burpee!

If you want to make it more challenging: do 8 burpees in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds; repeat this 8-round circuit (8 rounds/30 seconds each). This is an advanced version of the burpee, but if you feel that is too easy for you, try doing 10 rounds!

Burpees are great because they work all of these different muscles at once: mainly chest and triceps (front part of arms), shoulders, quads (front part of legs), hamstrings (back part of legs), glutes (butt), abs (stomach) and hip flexors.

10. Jump squats

Jump squats are one of the most effective exercises for burning fat and building muscle. They work all the major muscles of your body, including the chest, shoulders, arms, legs, glutes, and abs. The added intensity will boost your metabolism which will help you burn more calories throughout the day. Jump squats are also great for improving cardiovascular health and endurance.

To perform a jump squat properly:

  • Position yourself with your feet hip-width apart, hands clasped in front of your chest or at shoulder height (whichever feels comfortable).

  • Slowly lower into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and don't let your knees extend over your toes.

  • Explode up into a jump as high as possible without losing form or control of your landing.

  • Land softly on both feet with bent knees to absorb impact, lowering back down into a squat position in preparation for another rep.

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